I. Enhancing the Student Experience Through Engaging and Enriching Interactions
Strategic Goal 1
Implement comprehensive job shadowing, mentoring, and internship programs to include alumni and local community friends by:
Strategic Actions
- developing a mentoring program for freshman-seniors involving faculty, staff, and students and then spotlighting these efforts;
- creating a vocational development system utilizing technology for facilitating internships and post-graduate job opportunities; and
- sharing alumni stories of career pathways and positive impacts on their communities.
Strategic Goal 2
Increase support and campus connection from alumni and friends by:
Strategic Actions
- working through the Office of Alumni Relations to create one alumni affinity group by major or by interest per year; and
- creating a communication outlet for all HPU constituents to hear regularly the story of HPU, to learn about campus activities, to know about current student achievements, and to find ways to be involved on campus.
Strategic Goal 3
Create programs for discipleship and spiritual growth, for intentional leadership development, for celebrating and supporting a multicultural student body, and for developing impactful relationships among students and the employees of HPU by:
Strategic Actions
- appointing a multicultural task force to support students and to create programming that educates and includes cultural awareness;
- appointing a task force to explore both a domestic and international study program;
- developing a student advisory council for input into discipleship and leadership programs as well as programs designed to increase relationship building among the HPU family; and
- promoting a campus-wide communication channel – a go-to resource for faculty, staff, and students – to learn about news, activities, competitions, performances, academic deadlines, etc., to improve campus involvement and professionalism.